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About me 


Hi I'm Mai, a graduate from Lund University in Asian studies. I have spent several years studying abroad, such as in Japan in 2019 for my undergraduate studies, and lived in Sweden for two years. I have dedicated my studies to East Asia, specifically Japan. My love for learning brought to life a small instagram blog in 2017 which has now grown to around 27.000 followers. 


​I was  placed on the JET programme as an ALT to start working in Hiroshima prefecture from August of 2024.


 I write about my experience studying abroad on here as well as on Instagram​

About this Blog

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I have spent hours on my own researching working and studying abroad opportunities. Having to figure out most things by myself, I realized the lack of  reliable information on these topics. I have had countless of personal conversations with people through my study blog whom had experience studying or working abroad.


With this blog I hope to save others some of the time and struggles I had to go through. Here you will find the specific posts dedicated to the countries I have lived in such as Sweden and Japan, as well as blogs on more generic topics such as the application to my graduate studies, how I got scholarships etc. 


For questions please feel free to reach out to me through my instagram @Tokyostudies



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